Realistic Picture Group

Nautilus – Realtime Underwater Mapping and Immersion (RUMI)

Case Study

Dive into the Depths with RUMI: Real-Time Underwater Mapping and Immersion

Welcome to the world of deep-sea exploration with RUMI – Real-time Underwater Mapping and Immersion. This innovative project, in collaboration with Nautilus Ocean Exploration Trust, brings the mysteries of the ocean floor to your fingertips through cutting-edge technology and immersive simulations.

Nautilus Ocean Exploration Trust are leaders in underwater exploration. They reached out to us to help them build a platform for visualizing and exploring the ocean floor based on real data. Our collaboration with Nautilus on RUMI is ongoing, but we are pleased to be able to share some initial progress.

The Nautilus Ocean Exploration Trust: A Legacy of Discovery

Nautilus OET conducts underwater exploration expeditions using unmanned remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). These expeditions collect a wealth of data, including LiDAR, multibeam sonar, GeoTIFFs, and high-definition video footage, all of which contribute to a comprehensive understanding of underwater environments.

Creating High-Quality 3D Models

One of the standout achievements of these expeditions is the creation of highly detailed textured 3D photogrammetry meshes of the sea floor and notable features such as coral reefs. This process involves using the recorded footage from the sea floor to generate realistic and accurate 3D models that provide unprecedented insights into underwater landscapes.

Introducing RUMI: Interactive 3D Simulation

The RUMI project aims to visualize this extensive data in an interactive 3D simulation. Our simulation allows users to pilot a virtual replica of the ROV Hercules (which we previously had the opportunity of modeling) throughout the mission area. This experience is further enhanced by the “Ghost of Hercules,” a simulated representation that follows the actual geo-referenced path taken by the real ROV.

Key Features of RUMI:

  • Time Synchronization: Users can set the simulation to any point in time during the expedition and see the actions taken by the ROV, synchronized with the recorded footage. This includes listening to the real-time commentary of researchers aboard the EV Nautilus.
  • Data Visualization Modes: The simulation offers multiple modes to visualize the dive area, including:
    • Bathymetry: Derived from GeoTIFF data, providing a detailed topographic map of the ocean floor.
    • LiDAR Multibeam: High-resolution sonar data that captures the underwater terrain.
    • LiDAR Colored Point Cloud: Visual representation of point cloud data collected through LiDAR.
    • Nanite Static Photogrammetry Meshes: Ultra-detailed and realistic 3D models of the sea floor and features.
    • Procedurally Generated Terrain: Artistically interpreted terrain created using Houdini, inferred from real data.

Inspiration and Challenges

The inspiration behind RUMI is to bridge the gap between scientific data collection and public engagement. By creating an immersive experience, we aim to make the wonders of underwater exploration accessible to a broader audience. RUMI is not only a unique tool for engaging the public but also a powerful resource for data scientists and researchers. It enables them to visualize and analyze multiple forms of data together in context, enhancing their ability to interpret complex underwater environments.

The project has faced numerous challenges, including integrating various data types and ensuring real-time synchronization of video footage and simulation. While the experience is already impressive, there is still much room for improvement. Through collaboration and innovative problem-solving, we continue to refine and enhance the simulation.

Current Status and Future Steps

RUMI is currently in the early stages of development, with many key features already implemented. The next steps focus on integrating spotting data: we have a database of organisms identified by researchers, correlated to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) database. We are working on adding functionality for users to visualize these organisms by taxonomy and geo-referencing, providing a richer and more informative experience.

Get Involved

We invite you to dive into the world of RUMI and explore the depths of the ocean like never before. Stay tuned for updates on our progress and upcoming releases. For more information and to get involved, visit Nautilus Live’s website.

Join us on this incredible journey of discovery and innovation with RUMI – where the depths of the ocean come to life.